Original Research

Johannesburg verwerp sy eerste polisiehoof

F.J. Nöthling
New Contree | Vol 20 | a734 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/nc.v20i0.734 | © 2024 F.J. Nöthling | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 04 July 2024 | Published:

About the author(s)

F.J. Nöthling, Department of History, University of South Africa, South Africa

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In 1887 the government of the Transvaal Republic appointed its first police chief for Johannesburg. The choice fell upon A.J.G. de la Rey whose services to the state during the Stellaland disturbances made him, according to the government, the most suitable person to maintain law and order in a developing community like Johannesburg. The people of this new town, however, found De la Rey unacceptable because he was allegedly guilty of criminal acts resulting from violent tendencies in his character. The withdrawal of his appointment as head of the police, for the sake of peace in the Golden City, was therefore beneficial to all those concerned.


A.J.G. de la Rey; police chief; Johannesburg


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