A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Smith, Ken, University of SouthAfria
Snyders, Hendrik, National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa; and, Department of History, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein
Snyders, Hendrik, University of Stellenbosch
Snyders, Hendrik, Department of History, University of the Free State
Snyders, Hendrik, University of the Free State
Snyman, H.J., Staatsargiefdiens
Snyman, P.H.R., Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing
Snyman, P.H.R., Human Sciences Research Council
Solomon, Hussein, University of the Free State
Southey, Nicholas, University of South Africa
Southey, Nicholas, Department of History, University of South Africa
Spies, S.B., University of South Africa
Stemmet, Jan-ad, University of the Free State
Stemmet, Jan-Ad, Departement Geskiedenis, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
Steyn, Phia, Department of History, University of the Orange Free State
Strauss, Piet, Departement Ekklesiologie, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
Strauss, Piet, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
Strydom, Bronwyn L., Department of Historical and Heritage Studies, University of Pretoria
Swart, Sandra, Stellenbosch University
Tankard, Keith, Rhodes University
Tankard, Keith, Department of History, Rhodes University
Taylor, John D., Nelson Mandela University
Taylor, Judith, University of South Africa
Taylor, Ralph, City Engineer's Department, Cape Town
Tempelhoff, Elise, Beeld newspaper, Media 24
Tempelhoff, J.W.N., Department of History, North-West University
Tempelhoff, J.W.N., School of Basic Science, North-West University
Tempelhoff, J.W.N., School of Basic Sciences, North-West University
Tempelhoff, Johann W.N., North-West University
Tempelhoff, Johann, Department of History, North-West University
Tempelhoff, Johann W.N., University of Venda
Tempelhoff, Johann W.N., School of Basic Sciences, North-West University
Tempelhoff, Johann, North-West University
Tempelhoff, Johann W.N., Human Sciences Research Council
Tempelhoff, Johann W.N., Universiteit van Venda
Tempelhoff, Johann W.N., Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing
Terblanche, H.O., University of Port Elizabeth
Terblanche, Otto, Nelson Mandela University
Terblanche, Otto, Nelson Mandela Universiteit, Port Elizabeth
Ternpelhoff, J.W.N., Human Sciences Research Council
Ternpelhoff, Johann, Department of History, North-West University
Thebe, Phenyo C., University of Botswana
Theron, Bridget, University of South Afiica
Theron, Bridget, University of South Africa
Thomas, C., Department of History, University of Fort Hare
Thomas, Cornelius, National Heritage and Cultural Studies Centre, University of Fort Hare
Thomas, Cornelius, National Heritage and Cultural Studies Centre, University of Fort Hare
Thomas, Cornelius, National Heritage and Cultural Studies Centre, University of Fort Hare
Thompson, Lisa, University of Pretoria
Thompson, Paul, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg
Thorius, Ingrid, University of Johannesburg
Thorpe, C.
Thotse, Mahunele, Department of Historical and Heritage Studies, University of Pretoria
Truluck, T.F., University of Cape Town
Trümpelmann, Martin, The Rand Afrikaans University
Tsatsire, Israel, Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality
Twala, Chitja, University of the Free State
Twala, Chitja M., Department of History, University of the Free State
Twala, Chitja, Department of History, University of the Free State
Twala, Chitja, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein
Vahed, Goolam, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Van Aswegen, H.J., The Rand Afrikaans University
van Aswegen, H.J., Randse Afrikaanse University
Van Aswegen, H.J., RandseAfiikaanse Universiteit
van Aswegen, H.J., Rand Afrikaans University
van Breda, Maynard J., University of South Africa
van Breda, P., Human Sciences Research Council
van Breda, P., Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing
van den Berg, D.J., Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat
van den Bergh, G., Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education
van den Bergh, G. N., North-West University
van den Bergh, G.N., Departement Geskiedenis, PU vir CHO, Potchefstroom,
van den Bergh, G.N., Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir CHO (South Africa)
Van den Bergh, G.N., Potchefttroomse Universiteit vir CHO
Van der Bank, D.A., Nasionale Museum, Bloemfontein
van der Berg, Servaas, Stellenbosch University
van der Elst, Herman, North-West University
van der Elst, Herman, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University
van der Merwe, Barend, Free State Provincial Archives
van der Merwe, I.J., Stellenbosch University
van der Merwe, Ivan, University of the Free State
van der Merwe, J.C.S.
van der Merwe, Ria, Department of Historical and Heritage Studies, University of Pretoria
van der Schyff, Elmarie, Faculty of Law, North-West University
Van der Schyff, P.F., Potchefstroom Universiteit vir CHO
Van der Schyff, P.F., Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir CHO
van der Waal, G-M., Human Sciences Research Council
van der Waal,, G-M., Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing
van der Waldt, Gerrit, North-West University
van der Watt, Lize-Marié, Department of History, Stellenbosch University
van Eeden, E. S., North West University
van Eeden, Elize S., School of Social Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, North-West University, Vanderbijlpark
van Eeden, Elize S., Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education
van Eeden, Elize S., Departement Geskiedenis, Potchefstroomse Universiteitvir CHO
van Eeden, Elize S., North-West University (Vaal Triangle Campus)
van Eeden, Elize S.
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