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Saka, L., North-West University, South Africa; and University of Ilorin
Sambure, Nelson T., University of South Africa
Sampson, Sally
Samson, Anne, Great War in Africa Association
Samson, Anne, Great War in Africa Association (South Africa)
Saul, Daphne, Johannesburg Historical Foundation
Saunders, Chris, University of Cape Town
Saunders, Christopher, University of Cape Town
Saunders, Christopher, Department of History, University of Cape Town
Schoeman, Christie, Department of Economics, University of Johannesburg
Scholtz, Adelbert, Leraar van die Ned. Cere! Cemeente Fraserburg
Scholtz, P.L., Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland
Schoonraal, M.G., Universiteit van Pretoria
Sebola, Mokoko P., University of Limpopo
Senekal, Burgert A, University of the Free State
Senekal, Burgert A., Universiteit van die Vrystaat
Serfontein, Erika M., North-West University
Sevenhuysen, Karina, University of Pretoria
Shee, Laurence, Monash
Shell, R.C.H., Rhodes University
Shell, Robert C-H., University of the Western Cape
Shell, Robert, Department of Historical Demography, University of the Western Cape
Shell (neé Rohwoldt), Sandy
Shubin, Vladimir, nstitute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Siebrits, K., Stellenbosch University
Simelane, Hamilton S., University of Zululand
Singh, S., Department of History, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Singh, Shanta, School of Sociology and Social Studies, University of KwaZulu Natal
Singh, Shanta, Scool of Socialogy and Social Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Sivograkov, Maxim, Institute for African Studies
Skosana, Dineo, University of the Witwatersrand
Smith, K.W., University of South Africa
Smith, Ken, University of SouthAfria
Snyders, Hendrik, National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa; and, Department of History, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein
Snyders, Hendrik, University of the Free State
Snyders, Hendrik, Department of History, University of the Free State
Snyders, Hendrik, University of Stellenbosch
Snyman, H.J., Staatsargiefdiens
Snyman, P.H.R., Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing
Snyman, P.H.R., Human Sciences Research Council
Solomon, Hussein, University of the Free State
Southey, Nicholas, University of South Africa
Southey, Nicholas, Department of History, University of South Africa
Spies, S.B., University of South Africa
Stemmet, Jan-ad, University of the Free State
Stemmet, Jan-Ad, Departement Geskiedenis, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
Steyn, Phia, Department of History, University of the Orange Free State
Strauss, Piet, Departement Ekklesiologie, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
Strauss, Piet, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
Strydom, Bronwyn L., Department of Historical and Heritage Studies, University of Pretoria
Swart, Sandra, Stellenbosch University

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