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Archive of Published Issues: 2024

Front Matter

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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://newcontree.org.za/index.php/nc
Title New Contree
Publisher AOSIS Publishing
Description New Contree serves as a scholarly voice and platform for instilling and disseminating specific and comparative local and regional history debate in Africa, and its value in broader (transnational contexts). New Contree’s intellectual repertoire compliments a rigorous theoretically reflexive social history in which inclusivity in reconstructing the past from ‘below’ (ordinary people’s voice, and acknowledging smaller community activities) and also from ‘above’ (be informed on related actions of for example central authority, government and national figures) matters. Change occurs through the interaction of major decisive events, and the rhythm of seemingly trivial, prosaic, and almost discreet courses of daily life.
Keywords contexts; histories; articles; localities; regions
Language(s) English (en_US)
Publisher Email submissions@newcontree.org.za

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