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Baartman, Teun, University of Cape Town
Badham, Andrea, St Mark's College, Lebowa
Baines, Gary, Vista University, Port Elizabeth Campus
Baines, Gary, Rhodes University
Ball, Karen, Department of Exercise and Health Science, Alma College
Banda, Harvey C.C., University of the Witwatersrand
Barnard, A.H.J., Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing
Barnard, Bertha, Peace and Conflict Studies, Pretoria
Beavon, K.S.O., Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand
Bekker, Simon, Stellenbosch University
Benneyworth, Garth, Department of Historical Studies, University of Johannesburg
Benneyworth, Garth, Department of Heritage Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Sol Plaatje University, Kimberley
Benneyworth, Garth, University of Johannesburg
Bergh, J.S., University of Pretoria
Berning, J.M., Cory Library for Historical Research, Rhodes University
Bester, Louis, Department of Strategic Studies, Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch
Bickford-Smith, Vivian, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa; and, University of Cape Town
Blacky, Nosipho, University of the Western Cape
Blignaut, Charl, North-West University
Blignaut, Charl, Potchefstroom Kampus, Noordwes Universiteit
Blom, Melanda, Universiteit van Suid-Afrika
Blom, Melanda, Departement van Geskiedenis, Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, Pretoria
Boeyens, Jan C.A., University of South Africa
Boshoff, Carl, SABRA
Botes, S. M., Nasionale Museum, Bloemfontein, Suid-Afrika; en, Departement Geskiedenis, Universiteit van die Vrystaat
Botha, Frikkie, Retired South African diplomat 1946-1984: Ambassador to the United States 1971-1975, Japan 1962-1964 and 1978-1984 and Representative to the United Nations in New York 1957-1958
Botha, John R., Department of Communication Studies, North-West University
Bottomley, John, Department of History, University of North West
Bottomley, John, University of the North-West
Bottomley, John, Department of History, North West University
Bottomley, John, University of North-West
Bottomley, John, Department of History, North-West University
Brain, J.B., Department of History, University of Durban-Westville
Brain, J.B., University of Durban-Westville
Brann, R.W., Department of Geography, University of Natal
Bredekamp, H.C., University of the Western Cape
Bredekamp, H.C., Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland
Bredenkamp, Izette, University of the Free State
Brockett, Linda, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Witwatersrand
Brockett, Linda, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of the Witwatersrand
Broodryk, M., University of Port Elizabeth
Broodryk, Maritz, University of the Free State
Brooks, David
Brooks, David

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